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Sign up for access to monthly new moon & full moon group oracle card pulls!


πŸŒ›πŸŒšπŸŒœJoin the Members Club to get one card oracle pulls

for both the New and Full Moon Cycles.

This is a general oracle reading for the energy of the members in this group.

Cards can be pulled 3 days before and after the full moon, the energy is still with us. Rituals can also be carried out during this time if you missed the actual date of the moon cycle.

The decks will be chosen intuitively for the energy of that day.

A photo of the card will be posted for further reflection, and a write up of the card pull will be posted on the page.

This card pull will stay up until the next moon cycle.

A bonus spell, reflection or tidbit will be posted once a month as well.

I will sometimes do a Sabbat Card Pull as a bonus. key celebrations like summer solstice, autumn equinox, yule, samhain etc.

✨ Remember all readings are fluid and they can resonate now, or in the future.